

We are currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts of novels and poetry collections. Take a look at our About section and our published works, especially XERIC: An Ecothology, to figure out if your work will be a fit. We want stories that shake us like crashing timber, so we can print them on recycled paper. We want tie-dyed acid trip tall tales laid out in honest black and white Times New Roman. We want fishing stories from the astral plane.

Beyond style, let's talk dollars: we are a micropress. While we can offer editing, formatting, design, and some other marketing services, we can't offer advanced payment. Payment, for you and us, would come in percentages from sales, and we can discuss said percentages on a case by case basis. Our staff's areas of connections are generally in Central Oregon and Central Texas, the Willamette Valley and the Blackland Prairie, but we'll help you make events happen in your locale.

Send your work for reading in a doc, docx, or pdf file to thirdeyesockeye@gmail.comÂ